The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) is an independent European Union Authority established on 1 January 2011 by Regulation (EU) No. 1094/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010.
EIOPA is at the heart of insurance and occupational pensions in the EU.
Our mission is to contribute to a sound, effective and consistent level of regulation and supervision of insurance and occupational pensions sectors in Europe, and to promote transparency, simplicity and fairness in the market for consumer financial products or services across the internal market for the benefit of EU citizens. Through our activities we help protect insurance policyholders, pension scheme members, customers and consumers and other beneficiaries. We furthermore play a key role in supporting the stability of the financial system, transparency of financial markets and products, and we contribute to strengthening coordination among financial supervisors at the international level.
EIOPA is part of the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) which includes the European Banking Authority (EBA), the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB).
Further information on EIOPA is available on EIOPA’s website:
As an European Union Authority, EIOPA is committed to fostering an inclusive and dynamic working environment, providing equal opportunities to all its employees and applicants. EIOPA is committed to ensuring gender equality and to preventing discrimination on any grounds. EIOPA actively welcomes applications from all qualified candidates from diverse backgrounds, across all abilities, without any distinction on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age, marital status or family situation or sexual orientation.
Team Leader Planning, Reporting and Control
The successful candidate will lead the Planning, Reporting and Control Team, reporting directly to the Executive Director.
The team plays an important role in further strenghtening EIOPA’s capability to plan both strategically and operationally, set clear prioritise, assess risks and opportunities, and report on activities in a professional, transparent, and compliant manner. By doing so it ensures the optimal allocation of EIOPA’s financial and human resources, driving maximum impact and operational excellence through well managed processes.
The Planning, Reporting and Control function also includes internal control to ensure efficient cooperation and where relevant integration with the areas of corporate planning, reporting, and risk management. The Internal Control Specialist works under the direct guidance and direction of the Internal Control Coordinator and the Executive Director.
Thorough knowledge of one of the languages of the Communities and a satisfactory knowledge of another language of the Communities;
[1] Prior to the appointment, the successful candidate will be asked to provide a Police certificate confirming the absence of any criminal record.
[2] Before being engaged, a candidate shall be medically examined by one of the institution’s medical officers in order that the institution may be satisfied that he fulfils the requirements of Article 12 (2)(d) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Communities.
a) a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies, attested by a diploma, when the normal period of university education is four years or more; or
b) a level of education which corresponds to completed university studies, attested by a diploma and appropriate professional experience of at least one year, when the normal period of university education is at least three years.
For the above position, the following behavioural competencies have to be fulfilled:
Place of employment
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Monthly basic salary
Step 1: 7,559.72 EUR
Step 2: 7,877.39 EUR
Plus specific allowances where applicable*.
*Summary of Conditions of Employment
1. Successful external candidates will be classified either in step 1 or 2.
Grade / step[1]
Monthly basic salary[2] |
Monthly net salary, excluding allowances |
Monthly net salary, including specific allowances[3] |
AD 7 Step 1 |
7,559.72 EUR |
5,833.74 EUR |
8,316.21 EUR |
AD 7 Step 2 |
7,877.39 EUR |
6,043.97 EUR | 8,597.40 EUR |
[1] Implementing rules concerning classification in step on appointment or engagement of temporary agents
[2] The basic salary is weighted by the current correction coefficient for Germany (102.2%)
[3] An estimation of net salary, including the deduction for tax and social security and adding the allowances (this estimation has been calculated with expatriation allowance, household allowance and with one dependent child allowance). Allowances depend in any case on the personal situation of the candidate.
2. Salaries are subject to a Union tax deducted at source and are exempt from national taxation;
3. Depending on the individual family situation and the place of origin, the successful jobholder may be entitled to: expatriation allowance (16% of the basic salary), household allowance, dependent child allowance, education allowance, pre-school allowance, installation allowance, reimbursement of removal costs, initial temporary daily subsistence allowance, and other benefits;
4. Annual leave entitlement of two days per calendar month plus additional days for grade, distance from the place of origin and in addition on average 15 EIOPA holidays per year;
5. EU Pension Scheme (after 10 years of service);
6. EU Joint Sickness and Insurance Scheme (JSIS), accident and occupational disease insurance coverage, unemployment and invalidity allowance and travel insurance;
7. General and relevant technical training plus professional development;
8. Modern and flexible working conditions, combining presence in the office and teleworking opportunities (some geographical restrictions apply).
Indicative Start date
16 June 2025
Contract type and duration
Successful candidates may be offered an employment contract for three years as a Temporary Agent. The contract may be renewed for a second fixed-term period, and upon its second renewal converted into a contract of indefinite duration.
Reserve list
Possibility of reserve list with validity until 31 December 2025 with possibility for extension.
Information reserved for applicants employed under Article 2(f) of the CEOS, in EU Agencies other than EIOPA:
According to EIOPA Management Board decision EIOPA-MB-15-072 adopting the implementing rules on the procedure governing the engagement and use of temporary staff under Article 2(f) of the CEOS, and in particular Article 12 (2), if a successful applicant from this external procedure, on the closing day for applications, as well as on the day of taking up duty at EIOPA:
· is a member of temporary staff under Article 2(f) of the CEOS, and
· is employed within their agency in function group and grade included in the range “AD6 – AD8”,
EIOPA shall offer the applicant, in writing, the opportunity either:
a) to be assigned to the post by means of internal mobility, as per Article 10 of EIOPA-MB-15-072. In this case the contract at EIOPA will be in continuity with the contract of the previous agency (namely with regard to grade, step, seniority in step, and duration)
b) in case the eligibility, qualification and professional experience requirements for the grade indicated in this external vacancy notice, (AD7) are met, to be assigned to the post on the basis of a new contract (first fixed-term) of three years duration, subject to the probationary period of 9 months, at the grade indicated in the external vacancy notice (AD7).
The recruitment process will include a panel interview and a written test. In addition, there may be a pre-screening exercise.
The online application form should be submitted in English language.
(1) Curriculum Vitae clearly indicating (among all):
(2) Motivation explaining why you are interested in the post and what would be your added value you would bring to EIOPA if selected.
Applicants will be assessed on the basis of the eligibility and selection criteria specified in the vacancy notice and these must be met by the closing date of the vacancy notice.
Vacancy Notice publication start date: 21 March 2025
Application Deadline: 14 April 2025 23:59 CET
Applications after the deadline are not considered.
The successful candidate will be required to make an annual declaration in respect of any interests which might be considered prejudicial to their independence. Before recruiting a member of staff, EIOPA’s Executive Director will examine whether the successful candidate has any personal interest which may impair their independence or any other conflict of interest. To that end, the successful candidate, using a specific form, shall inform the Executive Director via the Ethics Officer of any actual or potential conflict of interest.
For more information on the selection process of temporary agents and on the contractual and working conditions, please, refer to: